The Welsh 3000 Challenge

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The Welsh 3000 Challenge

The Welsh 3000s Challenge

Always looking for the next best adrenalin challenge and the Welsh 3000s have been at the forefront of a must do bucket list for quite a few years now, so, I’m delighted to have made some space in the calendar for an attempt to complete the Challenge to summit all 15 peaks in under 24 hours.

Recently posting the attempt onto Facebook has bought a group of fellow challengers also willing to attempt this challenge. A group of fellow climbers, scramblers and ramblers have always wanted to try to achieve the goal but various factors have always prevented us from doing so, such as holidays, weather or preferring to try and achieve something else such as the 3 peaks challenge.



October 2014

October isn’t the greatest of months to try such a challenge but its the next best available date for me personally. The route consists of paths, ridges and scree slopes that can begin from North or South depending on completion preferences. We have opted to start on Mount Snowdon with camping near to the summit, having a hearty breakfast early in the day and then beginning the arduous challenge.

The welsh 3000


Welsh 3000 Record

The record for the fastest completion is just over 4 hours and another of 3 consecutive completions in under 24 hours so it’s a case of hoping for good weather, a head for heights and good strong team morale that will get everyone round in under 24 hours.

The Weather

Needless to say the weather has a huge factor in your enjoyment, success or failure when attempting to complete the Weslh 3000. Good visibility certainly makes the day more enjoyable and also has a safety aspect to it when trying to assess location, expecially when up on the ridge of Crib Goch. No one wants to be on a mountain during strong winds especially when you’ve got a few hundred foot drop either side of you when scrambling your descent from the Snowdon summit. The Summer months are obviously the best months to take on this challenge with weather hopefully in your favour, but there’s something special about a crisp frosty morning with the summit of Snowdon covered in snow to set the adrenalin going as you begin your campaign.

Bottom to Top and begin or Top, Camp and Begin?

Conserving energy during this challenge is a key factor, so, why make your way to the summit of Snowdon then have to begin the 24 hour Challenge? The answer is, get to the summit of Snowdon the night before, say a Friday night, set up camp near to the summit with tents or bivvy, then a good hearty fry-up breakfast early in the morning and then begin your challenge, knowing you’re fresh from a good night sleep and ready for the 24 hours can make the whole difference. Recorded times for the Welsh 3000 starts from summit to the final summit.



Where can I register my Challenge?

Being part of history when completing this challenge is heartening, a successful challenge deserves to be recorded for others to view and see so I’m delighted to say the website allows entry into the database if you’ve visited all fourteen peaks in a single journey. Reports can also be recorded by emailing

Safety, Hydration, monitor weather

Stay safe during your challenge. Hydrate properly prior, during and after your peaks. Water stops are limited during the route so make sure you plan properly where you’ll be topping up your camel sack water holders. Monitoring the weather prior to start is critical and always let others know where you’ll be if attempting this as a solo challenge or even as a group. Wearing a helmet is not essential for Crib Goch or other sections while in Snowdonia but it would certainly help to some degree if you were to fall or any falling loose rocks during scramble or climbing. A harness or being roped-up isn’t required, but I have seen numerous members using ropes during the Crib Goch section as a backup.
Enjoy the challenge, there’s nowhere better in the world than being in Snowdonia, Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter, you’re guaranteed to have an action packed day that will become a memorable day for many great reasons.
Good Luck!

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