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What is the meaning of Inspiring?

Quite recently I was asked who inspires me, or what inspires me to do the adventuring and fun things I do each year. My answer came to me within a split second.

There are thousands of people out there doing things they love for personal reasons such as achievement, goals, bucket list achievers hoping to fulfil there lifetime goals, there’s also people doing things in memory of others that they may have shared moments in their life and continue to do so.

For me, it’s a mixture of personal enjoyment, adrenalin and following in the footsteps of some great adventurers such as Sir Ranulph Fiennes, running 7 marathons in 7 days and climbing summits on the 7 continents but there’s also a person that inspires me every day to go out and enjoy my challenges to the full. A 6 year old boy called Archie Pearson, who lives as my neighbour, Archie suffers with a lifetime disease called MPS, MuchoPolySacharide, a genetic disease that is sadly life limiting. Archie receives weekly dialysis and on-going medical treatments to assist in his disability of living with such a disease, along with wearing a body brace to support his spine and body yet in the years I have known Archie, watching him run, cycle, scooter and play in the drive of our cul-de-sac, not once have I ever heard him complain of his ailments.

Archie may not be able to climb mountains, run ultra marathons or adventure across the un-tr0dden pathways of hills or mountains but he continues to inspire me to achieve more and to live my life continuing to raise awareness of such charities as The MPS Society and to continue fundraising for great causes. If you’re out to achieve something personally, why not make it a charitable achievement at the same time, knowing someone with an illness or ailment such as Archie, gives you even more reasoning to achieve your goal.

Who Inspires You – What Inspires You?

Sometimes it can be a specific hobby or love of a subject that can inspire someone to set a standard that will be memorable to many others or better still to achieve something that sets a new bench mark or record in that specific category that will send out a message that will inspire others across the region, country and maybe globally. I was amazed by my recent response to the 7 marathons in 7 days success and as messages arrived from across the world, personal messages from non other than great runners and Inspirational People such as Dean Karnazes, Joe Taricani and Annette Fredskov and many emails from general followers who themselves are either beginning or on a journey of adventure and fun, living their own lives that can inspire their own friends and family.


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